Amla is very beneficial. Amla rich in vitamin C, apart from skin and hair, is also very beneficial for your health. Talking about the nutrients of amla, its astringent-sweet taste, is a very good source of vitamin C and A. If you eat a gooseberry regularly, you can get many beauty and health benefits, let's know about the benefits of amla ... 

1. Amla is very useful for diabetic patients. If the suffering person consumes amla juice with honey daily, then the disease is relieved. 

2. Amla is very beneficial in case of acidity. Amla powder, mixed with sugar, eating or drinking in water provides relief from acidity. Apart from this, drinking Amla juice helps to get rid of all stomach problems. 

3. Amla proves to be an effective remedy for the problem of stones. Dry the gooseberry for 40 days and make the powder into it after having stones, and eat that powder mixed with radish juice daily. This experiment will melt the stones in a few days. 

4. If there is a deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood, taking amla juice daily is very beneficial. It helps in the formation of red blood cells in the body and does not allow blood loss. 

5. Amla nectar is similar to eyes, it helps in increasing the light of the eyes. For this, taking one spoon of Amla powder with honey daily is beneficial and the cataract problem is also eliminated. 

6. To get rid of fever, it should be consumed by spraying amla juice, in addition to the pain of teeth and cavity, adding a little camphor to the juice of gooseberry, and applying it on the gums provides relief. 

7. When the heat increases in the body and is the best solution. It provides coolness by consuming Amla juice or eating Amla in any form. In the case of hiccups and vomiting, taking the juice of Indian gooseberry with sugar candy two to three times a day will provide great relief. 

8. Amla is very beneficial in increasing memory. For this, taking amla marmalade with cow's milk in the morning is beneficial, Apart from this, you can also use Amla juice daily. 

9. Amla is also useful for you to remove facial spots and make it beautiful. By applying its paste on the face, the skin is clear, shiny and wrinkles are also reduced. 

10. Indian gooseberry is used to make hair dark, thick, and shiny, washing hair with its powder or consuming it can get rid of hair problems.